yito ☮

416 Followers 565 Following Joined about 6 years ago



Also on Audiomack -


Screaming internally for 12 hours a day.


*/ˇ_"#>%°]dB zbierka & associates:

aversion therapy/hell.accept/l'homme/Hyper Pink/the growth/igrewhornstheotherday/the website/Sloth/!(secret)!


friends mix - a few finished, many wip


Not seeing something? It's likely here: everything (almost)


Or here: @archyives


people I'm very grateful for:





@Call Me Lito








And whoever else bears me and still sticks with me.

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  • acloudy's thief! is such a masterpiece. I'd cry if I heard that live bruh.

  • How to never be happy again:

    1. Focus only and solely on the bad parts of your life

    2. Externalize everything:

    2.1 Happiness doesn't come from who you are and what you do, but from what you have, and you don't have the things other people have.

    2.2 It's not your fault, it's societies. You could be so much better off if society did shit right. You are in the right in everything.

    • It's just. These are all things I do and have forever failed to overcome. These are, after all, the steps to take to NEVER be happy again. I am aware of everything I have written here. Completely and fully. I'm aware they are wrong.

      But awareness alone just won't do it.

    • Change isn't impossible, so do try

      Please don't think this way, I know im just a random but chill out im actually worried

    • 9. loop, repeat, believe in everything I've stated here. You're not getting out. People don't change so why should you. You are now a completely defined person. Isn't that what you wanted from the beginning? Change is impossible. Don't try.

    5 more
  • Intensive thoughts go hard

    On mute

  • GIHE level 2 once I'm done with school.

  • my Lil Baby X Tm88 Type Beat remix extended clip fire

  • Nobody can convince me that thesis papers aren't bullhockey.

    • It seems I really do need to, as I said, roll in with a tank to defend my thesis.

    • Just a pity that I legit can't think of a defense in terms of the goals/purpose of mine. It was just to finish school. I honestly don't see any value in analysing non-existent notation of tracks from some rock and roll artist. Everything you can find are just half-assed transcriptions anyway.

    • check out the replication crisis, annnnd yea, you're not wrong.

  • I'm capable of throwing away everything I've done for school until now just to feel some kind of temporary satisfaction.

    • Yup. It's in 11 and a half hours from now, with the time currently reading half past 1 AM. I know solve for X=nothing.

    • Yeah sleeping is hard when in difficult situations. But not sleeping daily, is horrible. That's what is killing you, the restless and headaches because you aren't sleeping. But please try to sleep, it's not good for the body at all.

    • If you are not doing anything most of the time, then find hobby's. And if breaks don't help you, do something you enjoy doing. But if you don't, then try fixing on you. Breaks don't help me either lol. I understand it's not easy, but you gotta push through. Yes, it is not gonna get magically easier, that's why you have to push through.

    5 more
  • Very often I stand in front of the question of whether I even ever liked making music. I can't be my heroes, barely ever create what I want to. Don't find the meaning I'm searching for in it. I don't want to stop either though, even if it may the right answer.

    • One thing I know for sure though, is that I need much more discipline in my life. I'm hard-wired to instant gratification and it's been affecting everything in my life for a really long time.

    • But thank you @Eshaan Master . Sorry I've been very selfish in responses and taking advice. I appreciate you saying that my music is good. It's just very rare that I create something I feel has value. I do like my little shitposts and experiments, but that isn't the intricate music of the musicians I get inspired by. They're not even finished tracks.

    • same

      I just kinda keep pushing until I make a track in one session

    4 more
  • Current (recurrent) Current Value hyper focus has me... thinking places. His in general is... out of this world. Almost every time I listen to his stuff I say something along the lines of: "omg wtf holy shit"

  • My future looks pretty bald.

    • oof

    • Damn genes

    • I usually get a fairly short cut around summer, but I know that if I get one this year, it'll be a very long forehead on the corners.

    2 more
  • I'm not saying one should make rash decisions, but depression isn't about logic, so don't fight it with logic. Your brain will find every good reason to tell you something won't work. Those reasons are inherently logical to your brain. You need change, and in depression that often means leaps of blind faith. Take those, try. Turn your brain off (or ignore it) and try. If that won't work, it's OK to be depressed. The fight usually worsens the situation. Trust that you'll get up more successful...

    • Just don't ever trust external factors, unless YOU have control over them.

    • ...the next time. Even that is often a leap of blind faith. Blindly trusting, blindly hoping.

  • In reality, I'm out here looking for horrors in every day situations.

    I'm quirky (depraved) like that.

  • So, sewerslvt is back...

    • When that music comes on in my random playlists I actually feel real for a while. Still.

    • Cynthoni, at this point.

      Depressed degenerate atmospheric jungle that helped me with my depression in 2021 (helped as in helped worsen, while simultaneously finding closure in it). Her music also aided in changing the genre definition of breakcore for the rest of eternity.

    • who..?