Dishonest Derpy

7 Followers 11 Following Joined about 11 years ago

I do know what went wrong, but I'm not telling you!

IM 17, AND GOT NO MUSIC MAKING SKILLS AT ALL (ILL READ THE TUTORIALS LATER) <-lol cap lock. im also a brony /). I also have sever (is that the correct spelling?) case of ADHD, ADD, ODD, and OCD! well, ive run out of things to say... so enjoy some dots!

................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ and one more right here>.

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  • ah yes a brony of old, this is whats left of the ancient community of bronys on AT

  • hey a7 year old brony, i just turned 18 and brony. Hi, whats up? /)

  • Oh and severe.

  • Sorry it took so long. you can highlight everything and use the bounce to audio feature to make it smaller. But that may not work. It's probably your connection. You just have to keep trying :P Oh anf I'm a brony too.

  • im happy now......................................................................................

    ..() ()


    .(") (")

  • im probably not going to quit, I just got really mad, I guess I can save it to an audio file and combine them somehow :/ I said stuff I didn't mean (bi-polar)

  • derp. probably problems with the update. don't rage quit now

  • all i got to say is that im 17 and a brony...if your a hater, i will love and tolerate the crap out of you