much love <3


crit please

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  • I don’t give a fuck it’s still banging

  • jesus fuck its still banging

  • 99

  • can you send this to me when you got the change?



  • all of your songs always sound moist, is it just me?

  • The sound design is really amazing, but I think the intro carries out a little too long.

  • I think its just me but that title sounds like it could be a title for a drama movie

  • The sub is so good. And the second half sounds so pro. I love that perc shuffle. It sounds almost like sticks and footsteps. I think your tracks are very abstract, as in it's hard for me to find a way to say it's catchy. Overall I think this lovely to listen to, but I probably won't remember it for anything except that it sounded good.

    • It was a crit too so take it how you want it heh heh

    • Yo thankyou man that means a lot in a weird way :)

  • Well, I like the track and still like your style. Nice and clean production. It's actually a little calmer and less nervous that your recent ones, which i quite like.

    I say keep it up, if you're feeling it yourself. Why change the recipe if it works? ;)

  • fuck i forgot to add this to my album

  • i really like the change in pace and tempo but i do agree with jodi and opaq/inver/liam that your stuff is getting a little formulaic at this point. i think this is a good step in the right direction tho bc it's different from your older stuff, certainly more melodic

    • Totally agreed, like I said below I've fallen into the rut of knowing what works and what doesn't and sticking to the safe option. I'm changing it up with this new track I'm working on tho! <3

    • i really love whatever the synth is that's playing the melody in the second section, it's super cute lol

  • i really like the change in pace and tempo but i do agree with jodi and opaq/inver/liam that your stuff is getting a little formulaic at this point. i think this is a good step in the right direction tho bc it's different from your older stuff, certainly more melodic

  • wheee those panned footsteps in the intro