Thi is really the first time I've proprerly used my own vocal samples to to a mainly non samples track (just percussion). This is what procrastination produces, I guess :D

You create a shadow when you block out the light. Your shadow is the darkness you make and an absense of light. You can only reflect light and not dark, but what does a shadow feel when it looks into a mirror? It sees nothing because is it nothing. And yet it is still there.

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  • cool voice and melody! it's an intence song I like it :)

  • Why I didnt fav this if I commented... oh my head... it's very nice!

  • Awesome- so calming. Keep it up!

  • this is nice! love the vocals on this :)

  • Your voice is very deep, I really like the Atmosphere of this, very relaxed, still :)

  • Republished

    sorted out some timing issues now yay :)

  • Cool work.

  • Beautiful voice.. do more of this..! Cool atmosphere! Maybe next time reduce room size a taaaab bit, feedback and Pre-Delay on the Reverb and boost damping up a taaaad bit to warm up the reverberation of your voice. Lovely Perdita.. you have improved so much as an artist!

  • great subtle evocation of the scene and mood. have you read Haruki Murakami's "Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World"? interesting shadow character there too.

  • lovely :)

  • you have a pretty voice, I like the atmosphere! n_n