disclaimer: do not expect a series; this is most likely an inside joke for personal use outside Audiotool.



Mission: Seize Illegal Operation

Mission Client: Blanke Spase, Head of "Proper Solutions" Branch of CFS eCorporation


Mission brief: Alright, Anon. As you probably know, we are returning to our recent person of interest, a black market e-dealer who specializes in contraband yiff and loli e-girl trafficking going by the alias of "Maskmen Dess".


After your intel gatherings of recent missions, we received tip-off of his current whereabouts by one of his former allies in his discord server who approached us willing to provide some assistance.

He tells us of a meetup for a big deal going on at a gang-owned club at Miami, and chances are he might be attending to see things through as smoothly as possible.

Whether or not he does show, this operation must be stopped by any means necessary, and you are the best operative we got for this job, Anon.


Stop the operation, clear the area of hostiles, seize or destroy all products they are dealing, and capture or neutralize Dess.

Stealth optional, but strongly recommended considering your combat approach.

We expect good and efficient performance from you as usual, Anon.


Anon then puts a silencer on a pistol and goes on a gung-ho speedrun.

this is optional stealth, after all.


background music - Nothing wrong here, but an FBI surveillance van is parked near in case

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