bro i gotta take a shit

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    • AT needs a separate recommendations tab

    • its so good tho and I do mostly stuff like this in the past so HOW

    • lol it was made a year after I joined audiotool

      (4 years ago) so you wouldn't have seen it when it came out

    1 more
  • and big ups for using like 3 of my samples

    • use a booster (kills other tasks) and use firefox

    • i had a better computer

    • opening the draft took a minute, 5 minutes to load samples, and still runs at 15 fps with booster and edge prioritized in task manager and i cant even play it

      how in fuck did you keep your sanity?

    1 more
  • I appreciate this especially because not too many people use triplets on AT lol

    • triplet gang

    • i watched youtube videos, but ultimately i just learned.

    • i love triplets. i am researching how to make growls rn. how did u learn sound design ur so good.

    1 more
  • Growls up my booty hole

  • yuh yoh yuheeuh (repeat x200)

    • yeah foehed just spend 6K on a CPU and 10K on motherboard, fans, and RAM as well as a cooling system bc that shit gonna get hot. ez enuff right

    • dumb... get new laptop

    • listen you little shit. my dogshit laptop doesn't nearly have the required resources to make a proper track with lots of variation. you don't have the slightest fucking clue of how many tracks i need. some 8 bar loops in ableton reach upwards of 80 tracks. i tried your way mr. fancy mcflow pants AND I ONLY GOT 2 BARS OUT!!!

    2 more
  • Yoyoyoyo

    U made me head bang so hard my head hurts

  • I aaammm bullet prooooof! *bowa ow-ou waa, bowa ow-ou waa, bowa ow-ou waa, bowa ow-ou waa...*

    1 more
  • how is lagging all the way here my goodness. anyways this is in better condition i can unhide

  • i cant take it im hiding this

  • So this is what u mean by big drafts biggest one ive seen

  • hundo geng

  • yeah, I may never reach the draft but I can reach the style. I a l w a y s d o .

  • Republished

    sosig mix

  • wow your good