First I wanna give credit to MrDr !

Awesome german lyrics. Clap Clap Clap Clap



Warum dachten wir

an all in anderen?

Nicht an uns selbst?

Es hätte so viel geändert.

Zu einer anderen Zeit und

einem anderen Leben,

hätte es mit Sicherheit Hoffnung gegeben.

Dort wärst du mein.

Für immer. Zusammensein.

Ja, dort wärst du mein.

Bis ans Ende. Zusammensein.


The Original was released ABOUT 9 YEARS AGO.... by MrDr

Click here and give it a listen --> Dort


Lyrics in English:

Why did we think

about all the others?

Not ourselves?

It would have changed so much.

To another time and

another life,

there would have been hope for sure.

There you would be mine.

Forever. Being together.

Yes, there you would be mine.

Till the very end. Being together.


I gave the track an even more 8-Bit-Sound and did some work on the drums and beats.

Comments are welcome.

Cover Credit:

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