How Do I Create a Sample?

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Whenever I publish a track, it feels like I didn't do it because I used other people's sample's. I know it's not a big deal, but it has always bugged me so PLEASE tell me how to create a sample! Thnks :)

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  • can u make a track thats just a patterned beat and download it as a mp3, then choose browse in Probe and download the file?

    P.S. : I would probably hide the "track" from the public just beacuse its not much to hear.

  • how do i make a sample on chromebooks

  • how do I upload the sample?

    • Click the Probe link on the comment at the bottom and click Browse.

  • gspin kick 02 sample:

    Hi, newbie here. I have seen this kick drum sample in some people's work. I do not have in in the list that loads into my studio. Is there a way or source that I could add this to my group? Thanks!

    • thank you Jordi

    • I can see the sample. Choose Windows > Preferences on the top menu bar (or press Shift+P), click Samples on the Preferences dialogue, mark the option Unsafe and click Done. In the Sample panel, click All above and below the search field, then enter "gspin kick 02". It should show up.

  • we still cant upload the samples we have made :-D

  • Lmao. For simplicity's sake since it's readily available, go to probe > hit Record, bada boom. Don't forget to go to Effects > EQ in Probe after you're done recording to eq your air conditioner out.