Sharing Music

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Question - What is the best way to share you music successfully on AudioTool?

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  • I personally don’t care if anyone looks or listens, plays nd criticizes, my music is what I make and I’m damn proud of it. Sometimes I sit back and listen to it, years later, nd remember every single detail I actually did, every effect.

  • I think the best way is to interact with the community in meaningful ways. I listen to a lot of music on audiotool and I do a little trolling (le epic) but I also try to think about what I'm listening to, what people are saying, what I would do on that track, etc...

    Also never feel like an artist is too big to talk to on audiotool. It wasn't until I reached out that I got noticed.

    On that same note, if you don't reach out in meaningful ways and just make it obvious that you're trying to get listeners then that'll turn people off. Not even like that's bad... I mean, we're all making music because we want people to hear it to some degree! But still, it's just how people work.

    • thank you, been thinking about what you've said for a while. I will try to go and do that.

  • I see a lot of people that follow me put their stuff on my wall. Maybe that works. Although I would try it the other way around, advertising your music on your followers' boards.

    Then again, people like po9t put their music on every platform they can think of, so that might work too.