Audiotool's Current Situation And Future

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In short, There has been a lot of talk, questions, accusations, and interest in the current situation regarding Audiotool as a Community, and as a Company. There have always been rumblings, rumors and such, but as of recent, a lot of attention has come to the situation regarding André Michelle Vs Audiotool Inc.

André M. Has provided a statement of his thoughts and stance here:

André (S.) Also provided a statement below, due to being cited / named in the aforementioned (André M.) document:

Andreas (YES, ANOTHER ANDRE NAMED INDIVIDUAL) cited in both letters / Statements has not released a statement themselves at the time of posting on this board.

There is rumors of a statement coming from Audiotool, to address concerns from the community regarding the future of Audiotool itself, and road map of what is ahead.

At the current time, the community is unsure of the direction, how to contact or interact with Audiotool or staff, What lies ahead for Audiotool itself, Plans for transparency or interaction , and much more.

Below, take this opportunity to discuss any changes, topics, or concerns you'd like to voice.

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  • Let me just go ahead nd say. I actually didn’t know this shit was happening, cause this is hurtful for me now.

    But in return I don’t take sides, I’m on the fence with pretty much anything that has anything to do with two sides, but I can say this is all selfish bullshit. Selfishness and music don’t get along.

  • Mane, I'm not taking sides, but I feel like we should just chill out on Andreas. Yes, although he messed up (big time) but he needs to at least respond. We're just blasting him with these harsh comments about him. I agree with every single one of you guys. But as a person who got inspired by audiotool, we shouldn't be harming the future of audiotool just because of this. Yes, I believe Andre should get his shares (obviously)

  • Outside of the issues of some due statements not being said yet... 3rd party plug-in support is probably something many wish for, but I see it as a bit of a pity. I think having to really put in work to create a particular sound was fun. I'm excited for new opportunities, but nothing can replace only having around 3 good synths and FX that won't hand you anything on a plate to create all the sounds with.

    • I would like to hear more statements on at least why André has been saying that he's been treated unrightfully. I appreciate AT giving insight on what the future plans are, but the topic of withholding shares still seems to be avoided. There's far too much financial maltreatment in the music industry already. I'd like to see that changed and would like to see a company not become an abuser of its employees or artists. I hope for a statement about those shares. That's all I want to know.

  • Every time I have disagreed with or provided feedback to André Michelle in response to his public statements, I have done so in the most respectful and objective way I could. However, every public interaction with him has been followed by direct messages to me on Instagram. These messages have been intense, accusatory, and sometimes abusive. I do not wish to tolerate this anymore out of pity and sympathy for his situation. I do not believe André Michelle is trying to facilitate a fair discussion on the future of Audiotool by attacking those who respectfully challenge his statements.

    • the comment below is in reply to andre, not kepz, for anyone looking in the future. account was deleted

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  • I want to reiterate what @kurp said. The lack of direct response right now is out of respect and privacy. Please keep that in mind and do not attack people involved.

    The team is discussing ways on how to be more connected with the community. I don't think that there will be a concrete roadmap with dates at first, but things like: Q&As, invitations to beta testing, concept focus groups etc. In fact there were already plans for this for a while, stay tuned!

  • also for anyone reading these, please don't just attack/insult the people involved, like andreas. it doesn't move the situation forward at all, in fact it just hinders things... (this should be very important to put on the board post, preferably above the links)

    • Yeah I’m sorry about that. I owe him an apology.

  • I really hope that throughout what’s happening right now with audiotool that everything gets resolved